Holy Communion is served during most of our worship service. We believe that the bread and wine we receive in Holy Communion are the true body and blood of Christ, so that in receiving them we receive our Lord. If this is your belief, and you have been baptized into the body of Christ, you are welcome to receive the sacrament here.
White grape juice is available for those who do not wish to receive wine. Individually wrapped Gluten-free wafers are also available. If coming up to the front is difficult for you, please tell an usher and we will serve you communion where you are seated.
If you are new here we would love to get to know you! Stop by the connection center and let us know you're new. Our welcome center team will be happy to show you around, and make you feel at home.
From newborns to the age of three, we have a nursery on the west side of the building to accommodate you while you're at service.
Members and friends of Faith Lutheran give their tithes and offerings in support of the ministries of the church, out of gratefulness for God’s blessings. If you are visiting for the first time, know that you are our guest and simply pass the plate!
Here at Faith, we value the importance of children participating in service. During our service, we provide a children's message where the the kids go up to the front and listen to a message prepared just for them. Following the Children's Message, kids will be dismissed to Sunday School.
Provided to the right of the sanctuary we have our family room for parents and children if things just aren't going as planned. You're able to watch and listen to the service if the need to use the room arises!
Following our Sunday Service, we have a time in the Fellowship Hall for - you guessed it - fellowship! We have snacks and coffee for you to enjoy at your leisure.
Additionally, we host an Adult Bible Study in the Library following the service.